So ya not gonna see me here, but the spirit of Den-O, the Climax of Den-O will never end !!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This is not the end of our climax!
So ya not gonna see me here, but the spirit of Den-O, the Climax of Den-O will never end !!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Advantures of The 3rd June
Today is 3rd June, I told nobody today was my birthday. Yet my friends remember and knew it, I`m so glad to receive their wishes... So now, I`m alone in KL, but I expected this, and also I planned something to do with today.
U might ask, why dont I go and hang ot with friends, and celebrate with my coursemates? Err.... I am thinking not to disturb them... Kindda I`m thinking bout, they are busy, and they have their own things to do, becoz they are live here, not staying in hostel, they are just like me wanting to get home as fast as possible... and due to this matter I didn`t tell them today was my birthday, but I think they know it la...haha coz they have see my facebook page, em...
I planned something to do with today. Celebrate my birthday alone. Feeling like this has ever try be4, kindda interesting in this...a day of MINE! I can go here go there without anyone holding my back, following me, or going to follow somebody, anythings of today are in my DECISION! So what is today`s plan? 1st of all that started this thought, is go watch a Comedy movie alone!
Why is a comedy movie and watching alone? Because I am someone that like to laugh very very much, unstoppable! well it depends... -) And this thought had led me to connect other various of things I wanna do... So I am going to Mid Valley and watch Comedy Movie Shrek: Forever After, Joey`s still working there! So why don`t I ask them out to have some drink and watch movie together? Em...having 2 Beauties accompanying my birthday...haha not bad! =D
So I asked Joey bout their resting time there, and see can we make a time to watch movie together. happened lot of things, 1st joey say she cant, then Shu Ling say she 6.30pm finish her job, then they ask me to go find them at 2pm, then....@@ So actually it`s quite complicated... But conclusion is, read the rest of it...
So I`m here in Mid Valley and went to find Joey at her working place. I saw them Joey and Shu Ling, and their friend Jace. They say go to the food junction. Joey told me, actually today she has no work, she off for today and she had came to Mid Valley becoz I asked her to go to yum cha. @@ aiya....if I could knew this then I`ll come earlier so that we can watch movie together....but she oso thought I will be come with Moon Hong (My coursemate) and the other coursemates, well haha
We chatted while I`m having my sizzling lunch, and Shu Ling still thinking bout what she`s going to eat becoz now is her resting time. Jace and Joey say they have to leave at 5pm coz Jace is sleepy, and Joey has a tuition class to attend, but they had went to the GSC Cinema to check what movies are airing now and the time table of the movies. Now there`s left me and Shu Ling, the very pretty girl. She has the break from 2pm to 3.15pm but now it has already 3pm, yet she haven`t decide what she wanna eat...actually she doesn`t want to eat right...? @@ We chat chat and then very soon they had back. They say all the movies start after 3.30pm and at least 5pm only the movies finished. They cant take the time with me to go in the cinema, well it`s ok nevermind, I was planned to come here alone, and enjoy this day with myself...shoping shopping and get things I want! And until now they still don`t know that today was my birthday ^^ I refused to tell them becoz I don`t wanna them特地突然要帮我庆祝 my birthday, it will be quite annoying for them isn`t it?
Very soon Shu Ling had went back to her work. Now just left me, Joey and Jace. Jace is my new friend met here, she knows how to 看掌纹 which she learned from her friends. She checked my 掌纹 and she says that I`m am a person that very straight, in learning and listening...kindda of easy get cheated >< and quite lazy boy... and lot lot of things, and they`re all correct! Awesome...beside this, she talked bout why she`s feeling so sleepy today, she said that becoz yesterday was her birthday and she had some alchohol...wait a minute, birthday yesterday?? I asked her and then I tell her today is my birthday! Joey and Jace were so shocked ! Jace said that it`s very miracle becoz friends that she recently met are all birthed in June! cool....xD Then I tell them all bout my plans...
As the time had already 4.20pm, I said to them I wanna go buy the ticket. Joey wanna accompany me becoz Jace had just bought something to eat but I say I wanna toilet 1st....-P When I came out from the toilet, I walked to the anime shop and see what I can find here, and Suddenly Joey appears! Wow so GenG she saw me walked in here....she asked me lot of things, she ask me what I wanna buy and what I`m looking for....I thought she watch cartoon or movies too but she`s just helping to look for disc I want. I get nothing at there, so we Just go but the ticket. I checked the Shrek`s next showing time, 3D version will start in 10 minutes while normal version is 5.45pm, and I decided to watch at 5.45pm. And then we continue to go look for movies.
Next we came to the Lower Ground floor, where the Speedy DVD Shop`s here. I saw that The Detroit Metal City anime DVD was only RM10! 12 episodes... This insane stupid anime is very funny one, since it`s price was just RM10, I decided to buy it as a gift to myself. Joey asked me lot of questions here, just I haven`t figured out her purpose... Then I go look for some nice new Japanese movies. Crow Zero 1 & 2 were alvailable here! But they are not that worth to buy thought It is very good movie. I checked, the New Kamen Rider Movie: Kamen Rider X Kamen Rider Decade & W Movie Taisen 2010 wasn`t available yet, so do the Pokemon movie....So I decided to take another movie, the Oppai Volley Ball. WoW about this movie I`m giving 100%++ interesting! Becoz the review of webies on this movies is so great! And also the main female character is starring by the Robot Girl in the Movie <
After purchasing the Detroit Metal City, we talked something here...and suddenly she take out the Oppai Volley Ball DVD from her bag and gave me, saying "Nah Happy Birthday!" and walked fast fast to front...I was just shocked...I`m so surprise!!! WOW! When She bought it ? She`s really GenG....haha I`m so surprise and happy to receive today`s 1st giftof my birthday ! ^^
They then said that it was Jace who purchased the DVD and gave Joey to give me...they both shared the monet to buy it for I`m really feeling happy bout it!! ^^ Soon, it`s getting 5pm and it`s time they have to now, there`s only me left again, but now`s my time to enjoy walk walk! Here I frgt and let`s just skip to 5.45pm....
Now it`s time to go watch Shrek. The Movie had delayed at least 15 minutes to start, and it finished at 7.30pm. It`s funny! But less than the funnies that I want from it, It cant reach the level that I wan. But still it is a good movie too! Just it cant entertaint me 100%...
After the movie, I was planned to straight go home after buy some other things....but it`s raining heavy outside!!! Well, what can I do? I`ll just keep exploring this place....I went to the garden mall, wow this place is so high class!!!!!
I spent lot of time at the book shop....and when it`s already 9pm, I realized that the rain had stopped! But be4 I goingback, I have to go to buy a Pokemon Booster pack. There`s only HS Released and Platinum Rivals set left, haiz I had no more chance to get LUGIA LEGENDS...T.T So I bought a booster pack from the HS Released, the Entei cover. When I opened it, finally! Long time haven`t seen the special Shining Card....and this is a Prime Pokemon! It`s Crobat Prime!!! I`m so thankful! I know it`s a birthday gift from my Lord...My Lord, Thank you so much for this!!!
Today oso receive many friends` wishes of my birthday, they are so good friends!
Today was just to special and advantages! At the night, Shu Ling called me and said Happy Birthday to me! haha wow....she ask me why dun tell her? Haha same reason of course....she say I`m bad dun tell her, then I say okok next time belanja me eat as 补回吧... So next next week I will go Mid Valley again, then will have a very pretty girl to eat with me and belanja me....but,do u really think I would let her belanja me?
Today`s dinner is, Zinger Burger. What a nice-Never-try-be4-Brthday experience! A super Happy Day...^^
Happy Birthday Jen!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
[Day 20 ] The Engaged Day - 3rd of June
The 2nd friend to say Happy Birthday to me is Winnie Chin, my little cousin. Wow I wonder she knows my birthday! Haha some accident here but its still ok...^^ Thanl you very much! XD
The 3rd and 4th ppl that say Happy Birthday to me is Das and Krishna 2 new Indian friend...
The 5th friend to say Happy Birthday to me is a form 4 little girl that amazingly do remember my birthday....haha surprise~!
The 6th friend to say Happy Birthday to me is Ah Miao the very very tall Kamen Rider fan...haha
The 7th ppl to say Happy Birthday is PP.
The 8th friend to say Happy Birthday to me is Chin Hon Yong... This sui zai let me thought he forgot my birthday and we sms at some hours before 12am of Today 3rd June 2010, but I still received his blesses...I`m really Happy! ^^ haha this friend is my very good friend too just he dun dare to say "I Love YOU" to Pei Qi...haha xD
Well, temporary that`s all for now, I`m recording this to keep reminds me the real mean of 感动, well here it is!
and Just at the moment I`m typing this, now the time is showing....0:13, wow surpirse again! My two Collegemates, housemate too came into my room and wish me Happy BirtHday! ^^ wow I`m so happy just no where to express my feeling...I`m just too shock man! ^^ But I like it, I like this 2 friends, they are so friendly!
Hon Yong sent me de mms still cant open, well....but I just know already la, haha thanks to him! ^^
The 9th friend to say Happy Birthday is Yee Va, waO I`m so surprise too she knows my birthday... ^^ she is a so so beautiful girl, hope she can be more more beautiful la....thx her so much! 承她贵言 tonight will have sweet dreams la~ ^^
Haha now here comes the 10th friend to say Happy Birthday to me....she`s my Best friend la Winnie~ Winnie Winnie thank you so so much... ^^ Hope our friendship is forever never end! -D
Now the time is showing 0:31, my W980 has stopped to ring anymore sms ringtones... guess that`s that much for now! Well but I`m sure this is not just like this, I mean facebook there at most oso will have at most 2 more friends to wish me Happy Birthday...who they are I not yet know, but tomoro I will go Online and check my facebook...expecting tomoro! I`ve planned something for this day oh...
Happy Birthday Dear Jen!!! ^^
Sunday, May 30, 2010
[ Day 16 ] lack of updates
Ok, next week probably gonna move into a new hostel, I was told that the place have aire-conditioner, Astro entertainments, a bigger room which told better than the Sri Jati Condo 2 room, well i dunno, but this place sound nice becoz I dun have to pay any bills and it`s very near to Megatech Institut, which gonna help me save a lot of money! And I`m not gonna have to pay for the bus fares everyday going sch!
But another thing that I have been told about is, the place is a crime sectors, at night there are many drug addicts and robber or pick pocket patrol for victims.
Who I`m gonna believe?
Now, I have to re-apply PTPTN,yet the Bank Simpanan National Din open when I go and check for it, damn
hope next time come can upgrade my streamyx package, and buy a External hard disc...My old Files in the old pc needs it!
Day 20 - ENGAGE
Sunday, May 23, 2010
[ DAY 8 ] A benevolent(Cheated) Dinner, a Die-HARD Dinner
This blog was moved to
due to some xxx problem.
Feel free to get permission to view, it`s ok just not really anyone should be reading this post...
Friday, May 21, 2010
[ Day 7 ] Tired
Well woke up then I straight go open pc to download eMule nice here can boost to 130kb/s!!! but dues to many files, each files only downloading 1~10kb at most only....T.T
Lunch is yesterday night`s leftovers GuLouYokFan, I cant finished it coz it`s too i decided to save it int the refrigerator for today`s lunch~^^ I dinged hot it using the microwave, well it`s still very delicious but js it`s too few la....quite hungry then ate the banana~yes i love BANANA!!! So delicious man....XD
I drunk the Shandy instead of Calrsberg today, Shandy is so Sweet~~~~ XD I love it too!
I think Calsberg is much more nice with BBQ foods....=)
Then after eat, I go prepare things to wash clothes. But today only got 3 dirty clothes, so I decided nt to use the washing machine of coure, by hand washing today. no rain so good! XD
em.........night`s matter not yet know, post it 1st later edit again....stay tune!
...well I`m Back! It`s been 3.45 hours away from here and went out for dinner. Js now Uncle Ann dropped down her wife at USJ Summit there, becoz Yvoone will hang out and have dinner with her 姊妹 at there, while we will settle our dinner ourselves.
Uncle Ann took me to the Famous F4 陈秀莲鱼头. I rmb that Uncle Chai oso brought me here be4. But today just nt much ppl as tad day does....well it`s great.
skipppppppp........>< (time has running out i have to fasten up to post this....) will be the last day to enjoy hi-speed download broadband, so i`ll js download videos that i need from utube。。。。哈哈 nightz!
[ DAY 6 ] Alone
Now I`m alone in this house, I`m in charge of here! hehe
Yet, how I`m gonna settle my meal?
em.....of course buy it myself! But when I decided to go out bugkus balik, I suddenly realize tad I think wrong liao....opposite there is no any restaurant....omgi really think wrong le! Haiz if like this I js have to go back and take the AYAMAS Chicken only....this chicken is so sweet smelling~ so now wad? I can only take out the Beer and enjoy only this chicken....but when u mexing the beer and this BBQ-taste Chicken, the taste is js too Awesome!! Ayamas....I`m falling in love with u....XD
Well, be4 taking the meal I already started to do other important things, such as download movies and put my dirty clothes into the washing machine. Uncle Ann`s house js too comfort for me, well I mean the Broadband and the moment when he and Yvoone went out for work~ XD
Today the whole day just sit in front of the laptop, surf surf surf and enjoy the high-speed download.....em....
Well today is the 6th day since I straighten my hair, I must make a record of this to ensure next time I would be prepared to do the next treatment or else... so lets take note of this,
Last Saturday of today
Date is 15th April 2010
Time finished is at 7.30pm
Cost is Rm150 after various of discount
Well I guess this will be the cheapest one I`d ever take in the future....@@
em....these days had just wake up again from another imagination, I thought that it`d will be much more better than study at Kampar, either KTAR or UTAR, but now what I`m thinking is, Megatech is unbeatable better than any of it! Yes There is no denying that staying there is much more comfort and could meet more friends and girls if study there, but their style just doesn`t suits me at all, I hate stupid activities, and such places like that, well what the fuck man I fucking don`t like it! It just some mixes of ppl from any standard and level, fucking u`re gonna pissed by them!shit!
now, about my Life at KL, js wanna fast fast settle the problem of moving to the new place and setup my broadband at there, then all my problems will overcome and I just have to concentrate at my studies to frgt about finding girls......yeah that`s very pissing me when I thinking of gonna do it next week, so fast I got the news that I had lose be4 I take the chance....well did u mean that there`s more chances that I had wasted? Or....somehow I just being too silence and din have connect with her so somebody else had won her becoz of their "resonance"? Well I dunno....I`m just have to pretend like nothing now, and getting into the situation, calm like I never be4.... I can do it I know. Like situations of these, FIR`s well-known nice songs gonna Creates the resonance in my heart...."我们的爱", "把爱放开", "刺鸟", "千年之恋", and other nice love song with the same saddy genre.
Alone? Yup I`m now alone in house.....Hearts too.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
[DAY 5]心情
通常不回家,就是去Ah Ren 家找 Winnie 聊天。
Yvonne姐放工后就去 Sunway Pyramid 接我,幸好我刚到她也到了。
去了买些东西准备晚餐,我也看见很多很多很漂亮的蕉。。。好久没吃啊!我立刻就看中最少蕉的那一束来买,也买了超甜的蜜瓜^^ 属猴子的毕竟爱蕉是正常的哈哈!!
不过我很意外时五叔他看见我的头发是说不错,看起来很fresh! 哇他尽然没有critic我!意外到我。。。哈哈今天真不少意外呢!XD
里面h里面其实很棒!我最享受的是。。。那些Shampoo Girls 帮我洗头的时候。。。。哇。。。我从来都没有试过那么舒服的享受!真的是很棒啊。。。有一次还不小心暴露了内心的感受在摇脚,真的是很羞。。。xP
可惜不够钱给,call 了阿峰借钱,到现在还没还给他。。。><
最近又发觉。。。blog是给我写下我每天发生的事情,让我以后可以回忆所有发生过在我身上的事情。。。可惜的是我好像已经远离了我最初的目的了。。。aih, wad I`m doing here?
Seems like I`m a bit gone abnormal again....but why not? Tads mE....LoL!
So....I wanna pak tor now....where can I find a girl tad I like her and she likes me too?
Where is the place?
is it at the Wonderland or Fairyland?
I shall return to the World that once belongs to me...return to my Dark Lord
With only the power and the praise from my Lord, my wishes will come realize in not long.
Friday, May 14, 2010
单纯的心,是心中极具耀眼亮人的 heart
看看周围,我的学院根本就是个和尚寺,哪来对象寻找 ><
可是我觉得就算喜欢,也就只有喜欢罢了,是 generate 不出那种 love 的感觉。
Tad`s how I earned this name - Mr.StrangeJen.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
你这自以为是的家伙,我beh tahan 你 liao。
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Not Much left...for u
I sms u everyday but not much of them receive your reply every time.
I`m kindda of delay boy, never noticed there`s other ppl who was feeling the same thing I`m feeling to u...
I`m so sorry I had thought too much, I`m too over confident and conceited about myself, I cant stop laughing at myself while I`m shedding tears... But I am this, this is me, I tried but nothing could change my silliness...
As time passes, my memories are losing... Especially the days working as a croupier at Genting`s Main Casino, greeting the friends, ignores some friends, liking some friends, befriended new friends, now the memories are collapsing...
Even the one I liked before...nowadays, I had became not much could talk about her, everything about her are being shattering in my memories...
Fortunately, I had her in our batch`s last memorable photo, that`s the only thing left for me about our training batch, for her in my memories too.
I am happy to have meet her, but as the memories of her is losing...and so do my feelings to her. She is disappearing in my memories...left only...her cute beautiful smiles...
I am somebody who like to stood people up, or just instantly ignore anything if I forgot something...and say say only...
Don`t easily believe what I had promised...unless you come and scold me.
So, probably we wont meet again, at most just meet at Facebook...
God Bless you and wish u all the best Tse Wei.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Yesterday - 31st March 2010
I was late, traffic jammed all the way to Puchong. When I had arrived, it was already 9am, and i should be here at 8am....
Ms.Fara leaded me to the class room, 1st thing I`ve thought the moment I stepped inside the room,"WoW!!!" So many people!!! Walao! Indians, Indians, Indians, Indians, Gem Mou, Gem Mou, Gem Mou, Walao! Those 3 CooL Gem Mou Guys, doesn`t looks like my age at all, they `re so Mature! And those Indians too!!! What the...Hontoni Kanasai neh.... = = How I suppose to live in the environment?! So much students, over 30 here, how I`m suppose to live under such environment?!?! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Few minutes later, a Malay teacher-like man say lagi dua, I wonder what he`s talking about. 3 minutes later, 2 malay boys showed up. What the fuck? I thought I was very late already, so there are more ppl later than me?! = =?! Pissed me off zz
Orientation, with all the E&E course`s student grouped, we then asked to follow tad man to go see see the classrooms and facilities available here. At 10am, we all finished! Wah, 1 hour only?! I thought it would be longer huh? @@
Oh ya, my course has 7~9 students, only 4 of them is chinese, including me. They are so...special. 1st one, he`s age 19, he took 1 year to work after his spm, so he`s now study with us who 1 year younger than him. Me and the other 1 is same js finished SPM last year, and the last one, Gem Mou too, but looks like a malay....LOL, and he looks noob noob dei too...GG @@!
There was 1 guy I had met, too. He is 22 years old....ya, it`s true, everyone here today is their 1st day "study " here, he said he left his previous college becoz it was a sucking-King-college, he cant affort to stay any longer more so he decided to start another course at ehre Megatech, his course is Mechanical XXX(Dunno ah), which been told that only 1 student that`s him studying the course....LOL!!! Surprise....but later that man said there wil be 2 indian Girls joining him in the coming die him! XD This guy was a very talkative guy, tall but not very lengZai la, the one who 1 year bigger that us lagi LengZai! So lengzai and his look seems like Queenie`s look..I ever asked him does he got a sister at form 5 now?! Nope he`s stay here, that means he had nothing with Queenie...but he`s really very very lengzai!
So then I had to wait until 1pm to get my hostel`s key, where I`m gonna to do to spend the time?! They said that Mid Valley Megamall was not far form ehre, I was also suggested that walk from here would no take u much time...Fcuk the Indian Chibai! The end of the street is High-Way!!! FUCK YOU HOW U WANT ME TO WALK TO MID VALLEY NOW????
Sienz....I`ve been walking 4 streets from Megatech...then I saw a not bad rice shop, I took my lunch there. NOT BAD! food and drinks are only RM5.80!!! Where else u can get such low price with delicious Xiu Gai Xiu Yok Fan with a glass of Lo Hon Gor ?!?! WALAO!!!! But just a problem here, i`ll had to walk a long long way if I wanna take my meal here next time...@@
The rest of the time I spent in sleeoping, and talk to the Sarawak Iban father. He was here to accompany his son, Elrick to study the E&E Kemahiran Version, which is a lower class of the course I`m study. And Elrick was also my roommte too! Not bad la just he cant speak english....this is the problem that makes me had to communicate with him using bahasa...I`m bad at this! >
The hostel was actually a high class apartment, 24 hours security guarding, in out oso wan register, and has CybverCafe inside it! But the most attractive things over here is...THERE`S A BIG BIG BIG SWIMMING POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I NEVER IMAGINED THAT THIS WOULD BE SUCH NICE OVER HERE!!!!!!!! WALAO A!!!!! WHAT ??????? WALAO A B !!!!!! GYM OSO GOT???????? WHAT??????? THE ONLY THINGS U HAVE TO DO IN ORDER TO USE THESE FACILITIES IS ONLY GIVE THEN A SIGN????????? WALAO A C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO SO SO SO SO SO SO INSANE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO NICE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, our room was not that really nice....there`s 3 room inside the apartment tad we`ve been arranged. 1 rom for me and Eric, 1 room for 2 indians, and the bigger room has 6 person`s katil.....WLAO A! What`s in the world?! But Syok is these Indians are friendly! just....the equiment here is not so good la....but I found the telephone line! hehe, streamyx problem solved!!! the rest, I`l try to settle them once I free....and after I started to live here la, js not so fast, have to leave Eric alone for 2 weeks... :-P
Yesterday morning...that night I was sleeping at Uncle Ah Bee`s house. That night was totally song becoz I watched Sniper - Shen Qiang Shou starring Edison Chen, Huang Xiao Ming and Jen Xian Qi, which the movie That I was looking for a very long time! A movie about Sniper, How interesting is it!!! Yes it really do Very good! XD After that I also watched Scary Movie 3....Walao very sochai la tis movie XD
But now, this is not what I wanna Mention here. The Subject is, The Dream I dreamed that morning...
I remembered the dream yesterday night. The dream is about Pokémon, but not so ordinary....Because what I`ve dream about, it`s the V-Generation Pokémon! I saw some strange and freak Pokémon...most of them, were no longer looks cute or familiar to any animals.... So now, I`m friends say starting the III-Generation, Pokémon aren`t look well and they looks quite scary and cuteless...but I don`t ever thought so, but this dreams now annoyed the coming up V-Generation Pokémon, are they gonna looks like what I had dreamed? Hope not so....Just don`t wanna let more ppl feel like Pokémon is going to turned into Digimon like the abnormal parts of body or freak evolution...but no mater what, I`d Support Pokémon ALWAYS!!!!! Pokémon lives within my heart FOREVER!!!!
Until Next Time, Decade Shall give a Warn, as W will be borned.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wondered in Wonder of Wondering the Wonderland
This Movie, had waken up my heart of childhood,this movie isn`t only talking about how Alice is going to save the Wonderland from the Red Queen, yet it`s waking up everyone`s pure heart of childishness, a fantasy world that let us to go on in our imagination about the unfinished Alice`s adventures back in the Wonderland... we ever recall our childhood memories? Don`t we precious what we had spent with and enjoyed while we`re still child?
The theme song of this movie is "Alice" sang by Avril Lavigne, feel our lost childishness throught the movie...
nope, yours...I still keep a part in my heart, always.
Monday, March 22, 2010
[RE: 13th March 2010] Wee~~
Today is Saturday, the last day be4 I go back to Genting. This day I had decided something, something quite costly.
In the afternoon, I followed dad went to Ipoh to fetch my grandma to see doctor, and I was planning to go Ipoh Parade for a short walk. After grandma walked into the hospital with some kind receptionist, dad took me to Ipoh Parade, and he then went to the 股票行 which near there to do some business. So here am I, time to head for my main target.
Firstly, I went to the DVD shop that I most recent visited. Here is always full of latest Japanese Movies, Dramas and Animes! That`s why I like this place very much! Upon enter the shop, I had already saw what I want today.
It`s Kamen Rider Decade The Movie All Rider Vs Dai Shocker. Finally this is nt Malay version! I hated they translate Japanese Movies to Malay-Only Version!!!
Another is the Super Movie that was super popular in Japan, very good commented-Movie,
After hunted these 2 treasures, the next to be hunted would be the Big one.
I went to the Game Shop, I am here, to buy a Wii for my families.
I took a long long time here, dad called me 2 times, but I was choosing Games I want, but there`s nt much of it. They said that I can get changes of games for once next time I come, along with the receipt. Sounds nice huh? But they really got nt much new games, wtf
This stuff had costed me 1 month`s salary, now my account got nt much money left....but as long as my mom loves it, I`d never regret bout getting tis. =)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Return in Flawless and costly
But they called me and said that they`ve received a model of W980 and said they will be fixing my phone just like a new one, all the flip parts will be replaced so that make sures there will be no any sequela occurs afterwards.
Sounds nice, but it cost RM330, man I`m getting out of my money... what I`m gonna to do? I asked my mom for some advice...Well, buy or not buy a new 1 instead of fixing it, quite either is the same...Fix or not fix, I think this should be What I should consider....
I had thought and thought over bout tis, finally I decided to revive my Legend.
Now, though the outside screen got some ??? things....but as a whole it`s do worth to fix it, and I got another body for it, a new color in silver body part, hehe, pretty cool if u see it! Just, see when will I go and change it`s Body, another refreshment of my phone`s look.
Friday, March 19, 2010
[RE: 17th March 2010] FRIENDS
Today is the 2nd Day I came back form Genting. As usual I will go out yum cha with my classmates and friends.
Today we went Big A, a quite popular Karaoke Center in Kampar. I drove my car and fetched William and Liew Chai Yee at AK, then fetched Pui Kuan and Ming Chuan at Mambang Diawan. Today...我驾车驾到几狠下。。。真的 @@ 我也不懂
来到BIG A, it`s Room 6. We saw Yee Va and Joo Fai only, Feng said he went out eat with his father so he will be late. They were singing songs, William sat beside Yee Va, I js sit at the other side which nobody was sitting at the side. Well, I was like tad...
Chai Yee and Pui Kuan went to select songs they wanna sing, after some moment I get suit in this location and situation, I curiously went to learn how to search for songs and select songs.
After they finished, it`s my turn. I saw there was Japanese songs selection, I clicked it.
I`m so Shocking!!! There`s Mika Chan`s name over there!!! I immediately click inside it!!! Yessss!!!!!!!!
GLAMOROUS SKY WAS IN THE SELECTION!!! OH MY GOD I`M SO EXCITING!!! I never ever imagined that suck Fantastic Moment would come to me!!! I`m going to have a chance to Sing Glamorous Sky in front of my Friends!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!! XD
Meanwhile, Feng and Shen came. Shen`s botak head looked much more Handsome in this look compare to his usual look, haha!
Soon, Glamorous Sky`s the next song. I`m so prepared to sing this song, so excitingly waiting for the present song to finished. Yes! IT`s it! My solo Time!!! I started, but they cut the sound = =
What the hell....I asked them to turn the sound on, but Joo Fai said have some problem and Skipped my song!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! WHAT ARE U DOING !!!!! DIN U SEEING I`M SINGING IT??? I~M HOLDING THE MIKE MAN!!!!! U`RE CRASHING MY HEART !!!!!!!
SIEN....zzzzz....well, although so, I had chose some FIR`s Song to sing, I like`em Very Much! =D
Well, waited about a long long long time...finally Glamorous Sky had came to the next song again, this time I had prepared, and check the cut sound system carefully, nothing will gone wrong this time, and I told them this is my solo`s time, leave me alone. But this time i` had lost much touches of singing the song....aih....
And it started...I feel power, I feel Strength when I`m singing Glamorous Sky!!! But I had to admit that I do forgot some of the lyrics....=(
not long form the beginning of the song, suddenly somebody cut the sound again!!! MOTHERFUCKING WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??? WILLIAM was doing it. HE THINK IT WAS FUNNY OR WHAT??? U~RE DISTURBANCE MAN!!! FUCKING ALL MY MOOD HAD GONE!!!! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME !!!!
But, soon enough I`ve cooled down...well, js forget his stupid act, he always did these.
That night, we ended at 12am and went eat after that.
It`s a very memorable day which spent with friends, so happy that night. But just...i expected more friends would be there, I js don`t know why there`re only 9 of us... @@?
Well js not much mood ald...
Back to today`s Date, it`s 19th March 2010 and yesterday few hours ago, I and my father and 2 brothers went to Jusco`s TGV Cinema to watch Alice in Wonderland. So happy finally able to watch this movie inside cinema! This movie is Great and also the Original Soundtracks!!! I had fell in love with it! =D
Recent`s Posting would be some sure to check those post`s Date and the Date of the plot and contents of the post so that u will nt be confused by those post...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
[RE: 16th March 2010] I - Dreamed - A - Dream
Yesterday is last working day of my croupier job, I had resigned 3 weeks earlier before I end the contact.
15th is the date, this day I`m working at Circus Palace Mini Baccarat 3A pit.
I`m dealing my games very fast, spreading the chips with average speed. It`s the last working day... quite miss everythings here...
So this day I ended up with a good night`s sleep.
During the sweet slumber, I dreamed a Dream...
是《Glamorous Sky》!!!我不由自主的跟着和音起来,舞台中间的女生唱了起来,那。。。那是!那是娜娜!!!大崎娜娜!!!!!我竟然成为了BLACK STONES 的一员,在这一幕,他们第一次公开演唱的场景上一起演出!!!对!我旁边的鼓手就是Yashu 泰士!!!那边的吉他手是伸夫!我成为了Shin真一,拿着BASS和大家一起演奏《魅惑的天空》!!!
我。。醒了。。。时间是10.30am 16th March...我回想起刚才发的那场梦,好真实,好神奇啊!突然,我很想感触地落泪。娜娜。。。我最喜欢的女歌手。。。我竟然有机会和她一起演出,我真的真的非常的高兴!!!虽然这只是一场梦,可是也带少许遗憾,就是没能完整地演出整首曲子,我就醒了,也没缘见到娜娜。。。好可惜啊!我非常想哭,这。。。实在是令我非常的感动。。。。
Friday, March 12, 2010
UNBELIEVABLE SHOCKING BIG NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Js nw, I was searching for some Japanese Good Movies` DVD release details on the net.
At first, I started in 20th Century Boy The Final Chapter. DVD was confirmed that had been released.
Next, I typed "Evangelion 2.00" at google to find the next info.
I was SHOCKED !!!
It appeared with the words SUNWAY PYRAMID TGV CINEMA !!!
MAN I quickly get in the link! It`s Real ! Evangelion 2.00 Is gonna Show at Our Country!!! It`s definitely unbelievable!!!!!! I quickly find more informations about the showing time!
It will start showing in theater of Sunway Pyramid`s TGV Cinema and another cinema that I don`t recognize.
ONLY for 3 days....each day only have 2 shows of 1.30pm and 6.30pm...haiz! I was too late to get know of this!!!
I then quickly find the way to get to Suway Pyramid by public transport! There`s lot of way I`ve found in the past 56 minutes...
But, I don`t really sure I do have time for the movie...
Tomoro? It`s the 1st day it show, I expect that there will be many fans be there to catch this awesome Anime Movie as this movie is truely CooL and have many of our local fans! So I think even I reached, I`d nt able to get any ticket from the counter as ppl should have booked the tickets few days ago...
And the reason this movie could be show here in Malaysia, as an Anime Movie this is very rare...I found out that It`s because of ppl had voted for this movie to get in our country`s cinema! WoW, u`ll know how many fans are here in our country for being able to be the reason of being chosen to show in our country`s cinema...@@!!! SWT!
13th? It`s the day I had to back to work at Genting...but it sure is gonna be night swift job, but still I dont have much free time to get down form Genting and head to Sunway for this movie...1, I dont have enough time, 2th I need to tidy up my room...2nd chance lost !!!
14th, the last day? This could be done....I`ll see and check more informations tomoro about the routes that will be taken to reach Kelana Jaya LRT from Genting and head to Sunway Pyramid...I bet I`m doing night swift too tad night, thought 14th morning I could only sleep for 3~4 hours then have to get up and ready to make the way to KL...I`ll see what I can do, It`d be the Best and most exciting things I`ve ever meet of going to watch a movie! WOW !!!
Hopefully, It`d be success and there`s some seat for me if I able to reach Sunway...U gotta know, how many chance u`ll able to get to watch a Japanese Anime Movie at our Country? Even thought the Super Popular Pokémon Movies, it never does before...
Js scold by mom for being so late still opening computer....I js cant stop my deep feeling of Excitement at all!!!
HOLY SHIT......I Should have know this....I should have know this... 真是暗屌!!!
Scissorssssss / The Reality
I get only 1 A, your asshole, but English scored, nice shoot.
But the others, B C D E G all had took the rest of my preserved for A results.
But, think about, think a little bit distinct, it is suppose to be like this.
The year 2009, I wasted it. I wasted many many time instead of doing my job as a student, i went play with my ex, i play computers, i surf the net for couples of hours, I refuse to listen to teacher`s teaches, I sleep very late every night which cause the next day very tired and went off sleeping during teacher`s sincere teaching, and many many more....
BUT had I regret? Had I starting to feel sin for wad I did causing this shamness? Is it wad I`m doing and could restore and fix the disgrace? no
Of course no. IT wasn`t that easy could be done.
This coming 23rd, wiLL I depart to KL and prepare stuff to go in the engineering-study Megatech college.
Another new challenge`s beginning; a new reinstallment of myself in everything to become the TOP, HIGH RANKING, in most Advancing LeVeL!
I hope to be
I forced to be
I want to be
I must get in it!
Other than this, this Friday I will bring a surprise to my families, a new entertainment especially for them. I don`t know am I really worth to do so, coz it`s gona spend a whole month`s salary of mine! Well, see what my parent`s comment and emotion when i bring it back
Oh ya, my LoL always stand for only = Shocked. Pls do me a favor and don`t misunderstand me. Thanks.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tomorrow gonna pack up things and return to Genting to continue my job as a croupier... but not for long.
Coz I will be take my steps into a new environment, a college to study my next grade.
I decided to become an engineer, type of 水电工程师. Tads what my 5th and 6th uncles are doing.
Thought I was thinking about doing the engineer of my 4th uncle`s, 做地盘的工程师,the salary would be incredibly high, yes I like this, even this job would be a little harder... but the problem is, I scared I would miss something, and eventually the building crush....WTF !@#$%^&*( So I`m not gonna take tis risk. :-)
So far, I`m putting songs into my W980 so that I could listen to some my favorite songs during free time at Genting... Thought it wasn`t repaired...ZZZ
Sorry I`m gonna delay my promise again...aih....Gotta sleep now, tomorrow work 8pm, at least 4pm I`m gonna start my preparations already coz I take quite a long time to bath......well, nt my fault, it`s all becoz of the shower is far too nice! Ant the temperature of water are freely controlled! Haha I`m truely enjoy bathing there.... Well other than this, I`m sure upon going back to our room, Ah Feng sures gonna lap the floor again....then refill the water....aih, 搞来搞去你认为还会有很多时间给你休息咩。。。@@
Well ok la I`m truely sorry sorry for this... Next time come back, I`m try to force myself to do this de la...
Bye guys and Girls! ^^
Until NExT tImEm, sEE yA !! :D
Today was an ordinary day... Finished my favorite Hong Kong drama
Really very ordinary, din`t have go out, watched TV for more than 5 hours, help some in dad`s shop, other than tis, got nothing to do actually....
In the night, my grandma received a call. That was for my mom. But soon, it was a call for me. Mom said, somebody has found my wallet! And the finder will only return it to me... Wad a shock...but I din`t feel too much happiness, quite a bit only... I wonder why, but, I can tell u that tads me, kinds of freak...hehe
After that, we wait my dad finish his dinnre and bath, we went to where the finder wants to meet with us. The finder is the 老板娘 of the 金晶冰屋, where the place we yum cha tad night. She says her workers found it when they tidy up the chairs. Luckily, there were nothing loss inside my wallet, all the precious things remain there and also the RM60+ ~ WoW! This is a big surprise to me... I`m so thankful to the 老板娘, but too bad she wasn`t there when we were there... her worker returned it to us and din`t want to receive our 喝茶钱...
though unbelievable, but I do believe. I believed I will be able to find it. And now, I was in believe again, believing in the kindness of humanity... The worlds still have HopE!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
move forward to 19th February, a prior congratulations of birthday
19th February...
This day is somebody`s birthday, someone who meant Very Much to me...
She is Mika Nakashima 中岛美嘉,我心目中永远的女神
This day 19th February, would be Mika-Chan`s 27 years old birthday. During this day, I am not be able to at home or get online and wishes her the best of luck... so I`m here to write this post, a congratulate beforehand to Mika-Chan... ^^
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Today I read an expired newspaper, it contains some review and comments of movies that are hot, or js shown in theater.
I noticed 1 article, it is 《风云2》. I feel very interesting in it.... The writer is very talented! His words used are so much intimate to the climax of the movie, and his description are so interesting and attractive! Conpare to mine, I`m yet too childish and low grade in everything...
NExt Time! I must pay more attention to every movie I`m watching! I gotta give my best review in my blog! I want to improve myself, and exceeds my limits!!!
Errrr.....1st I want to make today`s happening and events... about what i`ve said in last post, sory i had to put it aside coz if nt i`m gotta forget this or that that happened today...sorry ya i am like that one....@@
Today woke up at 12.30pm, too early for me, but wad else? If i haven`t lost my wallet, .... dad say later go police station and make report, and so that`s it~
After tis, we went to Kampar to make IC and lesen. While i`m waiting for processes at make IC there, I saw my fellow friends whom 1 year younger than me. Well it`s been a long time I haven`t join them~ haha see see tomoro ah mok got ask me go out yum cha anot...^^V
After that, dad say go buy something, we went to Minat. I saw our School`s Most Clever Genius - Mak Jie Yin working there~ WoW! Unexpected that I could saw her...haha~
Oh ya 1 more I wanted to go visit Elaine 1, but dues to lack of time and raining weather, I din`t make it....sorry ya next time I`ll pay u a visit de la... ^^"
Well tads all for today la, I tomoro cai carry out my job to review the situation and condition of living in Genting and Working in Casino....
Hope I won`t get sue by Resort World Genting bout tis article...@@!!
Until NexT timE, SeE Ya! :-P Minna, oyasumi nasai~~
Friday, February 5, 2010
The feeling...has back...
A feeling of something doesn`t right...
Yesterday gone yum cha so I dun have update my blog....but perhaps, I should`nt join them?
Becoz something was happened last night, and it had caused me many troubles...
My wallet had gone in nowhere!
Last night, I let my brother go Kakhabo to get some animes or movies and bring home watch, while I join my friends yum cha. At that moment, I can still feel that my wallet is inside my pocket.
After we finish yum cha and chats over there, they decided to go Wst Lake walk walk and then I went back to find my brother. At 1st I saw he was playing left4dead 2, that time I was thinking that after he finished it we will go home or go wast lake awhile. But since the NDS games were nt yt finished download, I sat down and check other things....I uncertainty that do I have take out my wallet at that time... soon after that it was very late and my mum had called me asked me to get home now, i cincai cincai packed up the things and go back... be4 we left, i asked my brother to check the belongings, but since i got ask him, but i din do it myself.....what a shit i`ve made.....
Upon reaching home, when i get down form the car, I suddenly realized that something was wrong....where3 is my wallet??? I quickly phone to my friends who still at West Lake to help me go back to Kakhabo to search for my wallet...what a pity....they told me they had found nothing, either the place we yum cha coz it had closed....
Half an hour later, my mum asked my dad to bring me go back there to check again ourselves. I requested to check the CCTV, but it seems like i don`t have take it out while I`m sitting in front of the computer...
So what`s now? I`ve reported to police and registered to make a new cost RM12, but i was told tad 1st time missing is RM10, second time missing is RM210 for more missing pls...T,T
What can I do now? I`ve already Trapped in my house!! All my promises to my friends had no way to carry out them!
my precious things inside the wallet...the FIR concert Ticket...what a memento of the concert that gives me so much courages and so much meaningful to i`ll never have it anymore.....
Please, somebody, whoever u are, if u saw it, could u pls give it back to me? I know tis sounds unnational....
Time to eat, gotta stop at here for some hours, next post I`ll focus on those special things I met at Genting and my Genting lifes...
整个人,谢晒。。。。= =lll
(re-edited at 0200hour Feb 06 2010)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
2nd return of Genting`s on leave...
1st thing I really really feel extremely exciting since I was started my MB dealer work at Genting, was The Discovery of FIR`s new album, 成军5周年,并已期待已久的第五张专辑 --
《让我们一起微笑吧》 在云顶的SPEEDY发现了!虽然报纸报道过他们会有新专辑,可是那天确实我第一次知道专辑的名称和看见这张成军5周年纪念专辑!真的非常高兴!!!
而我最钟情于他们对演奏歌曲的乐器的应用,是多元化的。有吉他,电吉他,键盘中古世纪的乐器,原住民族的古老乐器,结合现代和旧时候不同的乐器的搭配,产生出有摇滚,民謠,抒情及Jazz 等等的歌曲,再加上飞美妙的声音。。。他们的每一首歌无不让我难以忘怀。。。
等太久了,两年没发专辑。。。这次回来一定要上怡保!目的,寻找比云顶便宜的《让我们一起微笑吧》专辑!=) 当然!他们是我最喜欢的歌手们,当然是选购正版CD啦~我心目中最棒的乐团FIR...他们发行过的专辑《无限》,《飞行部落》以及《爱·歌姬》我都有正版CD呢!^^V 只可惜第一张专辑《F.I.R.飛兒樂團 同名專輯》我当时还小没本事买得起。。。如今要找也颇难一下。。。T.T
我最喜爱的歌手不多,真正能令我爱上的就只有FIR, 以及一位日本美声歌姬 - 中岛美嘉
今天回到来,发现美嘉姐又有新单曲了!^^ 赶快下载前先听听~ 当然了!我也是会购买美嘉姐的正版专辑!她上一张专辑《VOICE》真是好听得不得了啊。。。真是非常庆幸我能够在吉隆坡的Sunway Pyramid 的SPEEDY 寻获。。。^^ 价钱再贵也没关系!因为美嘉姐的声音真是无与伦比。。。而且那张专辑有附送DVD的叻!xD
PS: !!!!! This post was originally written at night of Wednesday 11.55 and was finished at 4am 4th February 2010....well, WHY I HAVEN`T POST IT?? I thought i`ve posted it........@@ zzzzz......